Monday, February 15, 2016

Hyacinth, oil on board, 5"x7", complete

This is an indirect oil painted on hardboard.   The indirect method begins with a grisaille followed by opaque veils of color.  This particular study was a labor of love, and its challenge was to convey the form of the hyacinth blossoms within a very tight range of hue and value.

I'm donating this painting to "Art and Soul," a fundraiser on 19 March 2016 at Warehouse XI that hopes to raise money for creative arts programming at the Benjamin Brown School in Somerville.

Art and Soul website

Daily Paintworks

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hyacinth, oil on board, 5"x7", work in progress

This is a small painting that is still in progress. You can see the grisaille layer at the bottom of the jar that has not been overpainted yet.

Popham Beach, oil on canvas board, 7"x5"

This is a fast sketch of one of my favorite places, Popham Beach in Maine.